Monday, August 31, 2015

PHYSICS: Traffic Management Scheme

Presentation of Scenario 

Along the west service road, there resides a subdivision called Barangay Sun Valley. This barangay is considered home to an estimated number of more than 45,000 citizens. It consists of middle and lower classes and has over 15 villages and 14 depressed areas within the area. It is strategically located near infrastructures like SM Bicutan, and also has many schools, churches, health clinics, and convenience stores within the vicinity, thus making it a suitable and advantageous residential area. Sun Valley is considered a supreme area for urban development, and through the years has developed into a growing and developing community.

Sun Valley has indeed prospered, but is still currently facing many unresolved problems and issues. Due to Sun Valley’s high population density, there is an increase in traffic in the area. Sun Valley’s different subdivisions and puroks can contain up to 1,000 households and this causes traffic congestion because having more residents signify having more privately owned vehicles in the area. Moreover, the many infrastructures within the area attract people to come, for they go to this area for work or for school. The location of the subdivision should also be considered, as it is in an urban area  and it is near expressways and shopping malls, causing more vehicles to come. Sun Valley is also along the west service road, which is heavily congested in traffic due to the many number of jeepneys, tricycles, and other vehicles entering the subdivision. Aside from this, another factor which causes an increase in traffic are the narrow and primitive roads in the area.

Proposed Solution to the Problem

Implementation of Modern Roundabouts
Our main proposed traffic scheme is to enforce the use of modern roundabouts. We will be placing this in all main intersections in the subdivision. Modern roundabouts are a circular type of intersection where traffic flows in one direction around a central island. They are designed to control traffic flow at intersections without the use of stop signs and traffic lights. Roundabouts have many benefits not only to lessening traffic, but also the environment. They are traffic calming roadway treatments, which reduce vehicle speeds, automatically establish right of way, and minimize the number of conflict points, which all lead to a safer as well as a less congested subdivision.

Widening of Main Roads 
Our traffic scheme also includes the widening of all main roads. In doing so, roundabouts become more effective because there is a more spacious path to travel. The widening of roads also lessens traffic congestion because there is more space for the vehicles to give way. Since Sun Valley is also a busy place with many businesses, and since it is along the west service road, having wider roads would also lead to less road blockages. Our team plans to make the width of the main roads in Barangay Sun Valley 30 meters.

Cementing of Roads
A solution to the traffic in Sun Valley can also be the  re-cementing of roads. Damaged roads tend to make traffic which causes people to be late for their jobs or meetings. Damaged roads often leads to car crashes, traffic congestions, slower car movements and etc. Cementing of damaged roads will not only fix roads but also fix the traffic congestion. Cementing of roads will make the flow of traffic smoother.

Adjustment of Location of Infrastructures
We decided for Sun Valley to be divided into districts and we decided to have in each district their own schools, hospitals, markets, etc. so that they wouldn't need to go out of their personal districts. This will be more convenient for them because it is within their area and it will be closer to their homes. We also adjusted the infrastructures in a way where there wouldn't be that much traffic. By evenly distributing them, we can somehow lessen the traffic on the roads because all the roads will be open and used by everyone. Having this kind of set up is faster, less time consuming, and more convenient to everyone. It is like having a small community within a larger one.

Tricycle/Motorcycle Lane
Seeing that tricycles are the main mode of transportation in Barangay Sun Valley, we decided to establish a lane just for tricycles, motorcycles, and vehicles alike (e.g. bikes). This will not only enforce uniformity in the roads, but it will also lessen traffic volume and reduce motorcycle accidents.

Justification of Proposal

Implementation of Modern Roundabouts
We plan to turn all main intersections in Barangay Sun Valley into roundabouts. The map to our roundabout locations is seen below. In totality, we will have 10 roundabouts, all with a diameter of 35 meters.  

Figure A

According to a study conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), roundabouts reduced injury crashes by 75%, fatality collisions by 90%, pedestrian collisions by 40%, and overall collisions by 37% at intersections where stop signals were previously used. This is because roundabouts have less conflict points, as seen in the diagram below.

Figure B

Meanwhile, a comparative test was conducted by MythBusters between roundabouts and four way intersections. In the experiment, they found out that in two fifteen minute intervals, the four-way stop managed to move an average of 385 cars through an intersection, while in the same amount of time, the roundabout moved 460 cars. This proves that roundabouts are more efficient and orderly because of the fast and continuous flow of traffic. An example of how a roundabout works is seen below. 

Figure C

Roundabouts are known to be kept open and safely flowing, which reduces traffic delays and increases traffic capacity. As well as this, roundabouts are also much safer. As opposed to an intersection with four different lanes, going in different directions, roundabouts allow all these four lanes to safely merge and go around the same round direction to get where they need to go. This is safer because it eliminates perpendicular or “T-bone” crashes. In spite of this, accidents still may occur, but the speed around roundabouts are normally much slower than that of intersections because roundabouts are designed to curvature when you enter. With that being said, possible accidents are at lower speeds and are less damaging. This is supported by Newton’s third law of motion, which states that for every action there is an equal but opposite reaction. The damage caused by cars if they have a low speed becomes less severe, because there is less force exerted by the car.

Not only that, as said, roundabouts also help the environment. With no more stoplights being used, the overall electrical use on the road lessens, which reduces long-term operational costs. Additionally, with stoplights at intersections, drivers are forced to stop their vehicles and wait for the light to turn green. When stopped, the vehicle’s exhaust emits more dangerous pollutants into our atmosphere. Since roundabouts eliminate stopping, they automatically are more environment-friendly.

Widening of Main Roads
As mentioned, our proposed width of all main roads in Sun Valley is 30 meters, including the width for the proposed tricycle/motorcycle lane and for the sidewalk. The width of the roads used only for cars is 24 meters, having 12 meters for cars  going one direction, and another 12 for cars going the other direction. A diagram is seen below.

Figure D

Our proposed road width can accommodate up to 3 cars per direction they are going. This is wide enough because the average width of a car is 3 meters, so having 12 meters per direction leaves enough space for cars and also allowance.

Having wider roads can lessen traffic because vehicles will have an easier time to travel the subdivision, as well as more space. This will lessen car accidents in the area, since it will lessen the congestion in roads. 

Cementing of Main Roads
The cementing of main roads addresses the traffic congestion in an area because smoother roads mean smoother travel. Having jagged roads cause cars to slow down, because their vehicle’s wheels have to travel through a rough path. When roads are smoothened out, cars can navigate easier and cover more distance at a specific time, which lessens the traffic.

Adjustment of Location of Infrastructures
We divided Sun Valley into 6 districts, and within these 6 districts, there is a business complex, lifestyle area, church, and school for each. This lessens the traffic because residents will be much closer to these infrastructures, meaning they do not have to travel outside their district to go somewhere. This will also help the environment, since these infrastructures are of walking distance, meaning less toxins emitted by car vehicles are released in the air. A map to our proposed district division in Sun Valley is seen below. 

Figure E

Tricycle/Motorcycle Lane
Having a lane exclusively for tricycles and motorcycles is useful because it separates them from bigger vehicles, thus making the vehicles on the road uniform. Uniformity is important in the road because different vehicles have different engines, therefore have different kinds of engine capacities. By placing small vehicles like  tricycles in a separate lane, they can all stay in the same average speed, which would lead to a constant flow in their lane, and a constant flow in the lanes for bigger vehicles. Tricycles are one of the main modes of transportation in Sun Valley, and they have 2 tricycle terminals.

  • The effect of the rotunda is that unlike having traffic lights, which may malfunction sometime in its use it does not use any electronic system, and also traffic guards which have a chance of making miscalculations due to human error. Having no traffic lights and enforcers not only save expenses, but also less lights mean less electricity consumed, which is good for the environment. At the same time, roundabouts will keep the traffic flowing because it is basically a circle, which means it has no ends, so the traffic will keep moving at a constant speed thus increasing the effectiveness and less traffic in the area.
  • Wider and smoother roads will also help in smoothening the traffic in the area since wider roads mean more cars can fit in and travel. This entails that the traffic can keep flowing since there is more space for vehicles and less congestion. 
  • There can be a lower chance of accidents happening since there is less congestion, which entails a lower margin of error which may be caused by the driver. There are less accidents also because of the lessened conflict points.
  • And as there are wider roads, smoother roads will help in the efficiency since when the roads are more developed and found with less damages like potholes, it can help the flow of traffic move more freely. The reason for this is that when there are damages in the road it causes the driver to slow down as he passes over the damaged part of the road which causes a disruption in traffic flow because the speed will suddenly change and cause more traffic. And as this happens there is a tendency for accidents to happen because of the constant acceleration and deceleration which can lead to bumper to bumper collisions and when there are accidents there will be more traffic as well.

  • Roundabouts are not pedestrian and cyclist-friendly since there are no stoplights for cars nor pedestrians in the intersection, and it can raise the risk of accidents occurring. The pedestrian stoplight will tell when and where it is safe for a pedestrian to move through the pedestrian lane. Though cars are moving at a constant speed, their positions vary, so it would be difficult for pedestrians to identify when and where they can safely cross. Though cyclists can travel at greater speeds, the cyclists' may not be able to keep up the constant speed especially after traveling distances over long periods of time.
  • Another weakness of our proposal is that it would need a costly budget in order to be fulfilled.


  • If the proposed traffic scheme will be properly seen through, traffic congestion inside and outside Sun Valley will dramatically lessen.
  • Roundabouts will decrease traffic delay and increase traffic capacity.
  • Accidents on the road will drastically decrease.
  • Accidents on the road will be less severely damaging in terms of injuries.
  • Without the use of stoplights, the use of electricity will lessen, and lead to a healthier environment. 
  •       Sun Valley will become positively dense, because all needs of the residents are within their district. 

  • The possibility of heavy traffic caused by the construction of roads. The construction of roads not only takes a long period of time, but also can cause road blockages because the road becomes limited when they start constructing.
  • Pollution will be caused by the construction of roads. The construction of roads can cause material because there are a lot of materials involved, and a lot of debris or discards.
  • The prices of construction may be too expensive for the community to fund. 
  • The community might not support the changes in our proposed traffic scheme. Implementing roundabouts is a big change, because it gets rid of all four-way intersections, stoplights, and traffic enforcers.
  • The community may need some time to adjust to the new traffic scheme causing some traffic. As said, implementing roundabouts is a big change, meaning the residents will take some time to get used to the new set of rules imposed that come with this scheme.

E. Elaboration of the Proposal

Traffic Rules To Impose
  • One Way (For Rotondas)
The cars should travel only through one direction, so that accidents between vehicles will be reduced. We would need to impose this rule because Sun Valley residents may be unfamiliar with how roundabouts work.

  • Counter-Clockwise Sign
   We need to set a direction for cars to follow as a support for the one way sign.

Only 1-2 weeks will be spent for getting the consent of the affected owners because not all owners should be directly affected by the expansion of roads. For the widening of roads, it would take approximately 7-8 months because those who are affected by the expansion of the roads would either have to relocate or have their house adjusted. Once, the roads have widened, signs will be set up overnight when it is not traffic, and barricades will be set up in a circular shape in order to properly transition from a normal intersection to a rotonda. It will be done overnight in order to minimize the disruption of the flow of traffic. Once the borders are set, that is when the center island for the rotonda will be constructed. Though making rotondas should be a bit quick, certain monuments and infrastructure will be placed on the center island to make it look more presentable. While the roads are being widened, there will be a 1-year period for structures to be adjusted to make it easier for roads to widen.


Based on an article we read, the cost of the constructions of roundabouts would range from $200,000 to a bit below $500,000 depending on the size of the rotunda. Given that the examples shown were constructed in 1995, we have to take into consideration inflation from 1995 up to 2015. Using the most expensive rotunda in the article which is about $495,000, with inflation that is around $777,000 respectively. This is inclusive of design by transportation engineers ($57,000/year), construction, raw materials for the construction, and equipment for the construction.

In another research, the World Bank has made a basis of the prices of Roadwork in the year 2000. Using the lowest cost for road work cost per kilometre, we were able to come up with the amount of $296,000 without inflation. This price is inclusive of the following:
• Seals (reseals, surface dressings): $5,000
• Functional Overlays (for corrective purposes): $30,000
• Structural Overlays (for increase in structural capacity): $74,000
• Rehabilition (strengthening, reconstruction): $45,000
• Construction (widening, new construction): $142,000

With inflation, the $296,000 in 2000 would be of equal value with $410,202.37
The amount that would be in Php is P19,308,020.45 respectively.

Lastly, the costs of the infrastructures were quoted by the BMT construction cost calculator and were converted into Php from AUS $. The land area used is the median of all the districts. This is inclusive of architectural design, raw materials, and equipment.  

•Lifestyle Area (Supermarket, Recreational Park, and Fitness Centre):
$26,611,234 for 20,250 sq. meters
•Town Houses: 
$531,000 for 480 sq. meters
$891,250 for 720 sq. meters 
•Small businesses:
$181,499 for 120 sq. meters

In total, this would cost $28,214,983 in Php that would be P923,513,042.53 respectively.

Sources of Funds

The sources of funds for our traffic scheme could be from the following:
  • Barangay Projects
  • The barangay could organize fundraisers such as fun runs, etc. to raise money. Since we have 6 districts, each district could have small projects as well.
  • Taxes
    • Some government taxes can be used to fund our scheme. The government would want to support our scheme because Barangay Sun Valley is highly improving, so it would be a good investment.
  • Bank Loans
  • A bank loan could be applied for, which Sun Valley can pay for through the years by continuing with barangay projects, and by collecting some funds from taxes.
  • Local and Foreign Investments
  • Local and/or foreign investors would want to invest in Barangay Sun Valley because of its high economic value and prosperity. It has a large area of over 177.75 hectares, and it is comprised of many economic resources, such as factories, labor workers, etc.

F. Summary

In summary, Sun Valley has many issues regarding traffic congestion, especially along the service road. This is caused by the high population of residents in Sun Valley, and also the primitive roads in the area. Traffic congestion leads to not only car accidents, but also harmful effects to the environment. Through this traffic scheme proposal, our team has come up with a number of solutions to aid in the vehicle congestion in the area, that it may lessen and drastically reduce. Our proposed solutions are the implementation of modern roundabouts, the widening and cementing of roads, the adjustment of locations of infrastructures in the area, and the imposing of tricycle or motorcycle lanes.

With these proposed solutions, the drivers and residents of Sun Valley can save more time in navigating through their village. Infrastructures and other needs will also be more accessible to all. These proposed solutions also take into consideration the needs of the residents, which is to maintain its mode of transportation, have more access to infrastructures, and more. These proposed solutions have their corresponding strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and threats.

Though our scheme has a long time period and a costly budget, we ensure that it will help lessen the traffic in Sun Valley. By working hand in hand with the government in fulfilling our scheme, we can achieve all our goals in addressing traffic in Sun Valley.


Figure B

Figure C